Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Week

My week did not get much more exciting than my epic elevator day. I did get to go out to lunch with my boss and the coordinator at the other end of the furniture drive. We are doing another one in March and we wanted to know what we could do better next time. Even though Mi Tierra is super close to my house, I haven’t been there yet due to my decreased budget, so it was really fun to go there for lunch. On Wednesday we had a training at our staff meeting with an immigration lawyer. It was really interesting and she make us detailed packets with lots of information to use with our clients. One of the best parts of our meeting? The snack (as usual) Janiene brought us a treat of ice cream and waffles. Ice cream because it is awesome, waffles because it was 8:00 am and they go well with ice cream. Sr Betty, who always has two yogurts and an apple (that she insists on sharing with me because it’s “good for my ears or something”) for lunch almost didn’t eat it but we talked her into it.
One Friday I went to the Fussy Baby group at St Agnes again, I was invited to their Halloween party. And by invited to their party, I mean that I was asked to help out. There were lots of cute costumes—a lion, a giraffe (who was afraid of the lion), a kangaroo (complete with a joey), a care bear, a hamburger and an assortment of princesses. It was really fun to get them together for a picture…a bunch of crying babies that couldn’t quite sit together long enough for a good picture. At the end, we had tamales and flautas and some sort of warm, delicious beverage. Friday night was movie night (except for the part where Michelle and I visited Elissa who was stuck at work for parent teacher conferences). Carlos invited us to go over to his co-worker’s house to watch scary movies but we respectfully declined the invitation because we are not the scary movie types.
Saturday I worked again—I went back to St Agnes for a Domestic Violence workshop at their parent meetings. We brought in a speaker from the Legal Aid Bureau who is a divorce lawyer who specializes in cases with domestic violence. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month so we wanted to get information out to the community.  A huge percentage of our clients are victims of domestic violence, whether or not that is why they come to us. I also stopped by a Health Fair for seniors and picked up information, which is good because we are seeing more and more seniors that need services.
Saturday night was the big Amate House Halloween Party. I wore a plaid suit and said I was a lawyer. My roommates went as Christmas, a sumo wrestler, a Mexican Harry Potter, a smartypants, a paintbrush and a black cat. We were going to do a group thing but then we just let our individual creativities run wild. My favorite costume of the night was a girl from North House who dressed as a lightning bug—she really lit up!

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