Sunday, October 17, 2010

Is this real life?

This week I worked for 3 ½ days. On Monday, in honor of Columbus Day (but perhaps more because most Catholic Schools aren’t open on Columbus Day) Amate had its Fall In-Service. I talked about that in my last entry, though. On Tuesday, I had a really long day, though. I got to work at 8:00 to meet a client and go to the Daley Center to meet with her lawyer, whom I have nicknamed demon lawyer because she’s so terribly rude. She refused to even talk to me because I do not have a law degree. She even complained that I was in court to the judge, because she thought I was a school social worker. Maybe if she had given me the chance to even introduce myself and explain why I was in court that day, she would have been more understanding, nicer to the client and nicer to me. But then again, perhaps not. The client did really well and stood up for herself when her lawyer was walking all over her. The lawyer of course thought this meant I was giving the client legal advice but she and I both tried to make it clear that was not happening. When I got back I saw a few walk-ins, on Tuesdays we are in the office until 7:00.

On Wednesday I was planning on going to Zemsky’s, a local clothing store that specializes in uniforms, to price some uniforms for a grant I’m writing for a client. It was raining pretty hard and it was likely that I would have to walk to the store, so I put that off until Thursday, when we wouldn’t have clients anyway. I did and they were super nice there, they let me put the clothes on hold indefinitely until I get the grant, which I should hopefully be presenting on Thursday, if one of the school counselors ever gives me the information I need. But other than that, things are calmer at work this week because I didn’t have to worry about the furniture drive anymore. Next week, Sr Kathy and I are going to lunch with the woman that organized the drive on the other end to talk about what we should do differently. On Friday I was only supposed to work until noon. I spent the morning at St Agnes with the Fussy Baby group because Kerry had an accompaniment. Then I went back to the office (arriving around noon) and actually saw a couple of clients (people that are usually quick) and left around 1:15. We did some quick errands and then loaded up the cars and hit the road.

Our retreat was in Watervliet, MI, which is not far from I-94 and Paw Paw Lake, if that means anything to people. It was very pretty there and nice and sunny so we could be outside. We took a skills assessment test from Gallup before we went and so the retreat was about developing our skills and using them in our community. My five skills are Empathy, Input, Connectedness, Harmony and Responsibility. I’m the only one in the house with responsibility in their top five so it’s probably a good thing I handle the cash. We had a lot of free time on the retreat and ate a lot of junk food, so I don’t know when I’ll be able to eat again. Probably at dinner time, we’re having grilled cheese and tomato soup. I’m cooking tomorrow, making pesto out of cilantro (a recipe from  Ann K’s family, it’s so good) so I’ll probably post about it later in the week. Pay attention, Steph, you can use it in your entertaining.

As we were entering Chicago (Chicago is a very long city so it takes a while to do this) Ann K gave us some riddles. One was “A man pulls his car up to a hotel and realizes he’s bankrupt. How?” Want a hint? It’s not real life.  

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